- Blocking traffic (P2P, Firefox...) in case of disconnection of the VPN- Be sure to go through the VPN by delete the main route internet
- Automatically reconnect the VPN
- Reload applications when VPN reconnected
- No leakage to close applications when disconnecting
Very useful for browsing or go behind a P2P VPN without being exposed during disconnection issues.
VPN Lifeguard is guaranteed free of virus, report available here
Windows 7 / XP / Vista
Download - portable version 1 MB
> Screenshots
> Video demo on youtube : automatically reconnect the VPN after disconnect
> Contact me
> Tuto - configure
> Source code (exported from SourceForge to GitHub)
VPN Lifeguard - Open source GNU/GPL - Copyright 2010 philippe734
The author assumes no liability for the use of VPN Lifeguard